Job Description
Job Type: Postdoc
Salary: Salary + Benefits
Starting date: September 2023
Two postdoctoral positions are available in Ai lab within Pediatric Developmental Biology Group at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. This dynamic research group includes two major PIs (Dr. Xingbin Ai, (Associate Professor, PhD) and Dr. Paul Lerou (Chief of Newborn Medicine, MD)), postdocs, medical fellows, and research assistants.
One new postdoc position is tailored for a research project that studies the communication between the nervous system and T cells during the progression of allergic asthma from childhood to adulthood. The other position is tailored for a project that studies the role of candidate genes identified in clinical cases of congenital diseases in lung development using genetic and epithelial progenitor models.
Successful candidates should hold a Ph.D. degree or equivalent in the field of immunology, stem cell biology, and/or developmental biology. A record of creativity and productivity are required. To apply, please send a letter detailing your experience and research interests, an updated CV, and contact information for three references to: Dr. Xingbin Ai (xai@mgh.harvard.edu).
For more information about the lab, please visit: