Job Description
The Thummel and Taub laboratories are seeking a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral fellow to study pediatric cancer models in zebrafish. This includes a project on retinoblastoma and a second project on the neurological and oncogenic consequences to exposure of environmental toxins. The goal of this collaborative and funded project is to reveal molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie metastasis in retinoblastoma and leukemogenic onset using established zebrafish models.
In this project, the fellow will gain experience in developmental, molecular, and behavioral approaches to modeling pediatric cancers in zebrafish. The Thummel laboratory has over two decades of experience using zebrafish as a developmental model. Now in collaboration with Dr. Jeffrey Taub, Division Chief of Hematology/Oncology at Children’s Hospital of Medicine, we aim to expand our research program through the hire of this post-doctoral fellow.
Experience in cell biology, embryology, and/or cancer cell biology is preferred. Candidates with a strong background in other fields (neuroscience, experience using zebrafish) will also be considered. Applications from groups under-represented in science are highly encouraged.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter, CV, and the names of at least 3 references. Stipend will be commensurate with experience and will follow the NIH scale. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis until the position is filled.