Multiple Openings in Prof. Jun Liu’s Group
Multiple research positions are available to work on understanding nanoscale transport phenomena in the Liu Lab in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at North Carolina State University (Raleigh, NC). These positions will have stable multiple years of funding support and will collaborate with top research groups in the U.S. The joining time is also flexible. To apply, please send your CV tojliu38@ncsu.edu.
Dr. Liu leads a research group focusing on developing computational and experimental tools for understanding new transport phenomena in micro/nano-scale structures, and applying the results to design nano-engineered functional materials, quantum materials, and soft matter, for water, energy, and quantum information related applications.
One fully funded postdoctoral position will focus on ultrafast laser measurements to understand thermal transport, spin transport, and related phenomena in novel materials.
Qualifications for this position
·Doctorate in Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, or related field.
·Experience in ultrafast-laser based measurements of spin transport (time-resolved magneto-optic Kerr effect) or thermal transport (time-domain thermoreflectance) is preferred.
·Hands-on experience in optics is desired.
·Familiar with LABVIEW.
·A strong publication record in relevant journals, and excellent verbal and written English communication skills are required.
·The ability to work well in an independent manner, while working well in cooperation with team members is required.
Two fully funded Ph.D. positionswill be available. One will focus on ultrafast laser measurements. The other will focus on atomic/molecular-scale modeling of transport phenomena.
Qualifications for this position
·A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Physics, Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, or related field.
·Experience in optics or programming is preferred.
·A strong verbal and written English communication skills are required.
·Application to NCSU MAE department with a minimum TOFEL score of 80.
·The ability to work well in an independent manner, while working well in cooperation with team members is required.
More information
1.Liu’s group: https://junliu.wordpress.ncsu.edu/
2.MAE department at NC State: https://www.mae.ncsu.edu/
3.Carbon Cluster at NC State: https://oracel.sciences.ncsu.edu/
4.NC State: https://www.ncsu.edu/
5.Research Triangle Park: https://www.rtp.org/
Liu group的实验室经费充足,研究方向和手段既有实验研究也有理论研究,注重培养学生的动手能力和独立思考能力,毕业的学生都在美国和中国的大公司工作,组内学生发表的论文有在国际顶级期刊Nature Materials, Nature Communications, 和Advanced Materials 上. 北卡州立大学是北卡州最好的工程学校,工程院全美排名26.
北卡多次被评为美国最适合生活的州. 北卡州立大学位于有东部硅谷美誉的Research Triangle. 学校所在的罗利市是全美人口博士学位拥有率密度最高的地区且气候宜人、绿化面积高,被称为橡树之城. 2小时车程到海边, 4小时到华盛顿特区以及著名的大雾山国家公园, 非常适宜学习和生活. 罗利还是近几年全美经济增长最迅速的城市之一, 城市十分具有活力, 商业餐饮娱乐艺术行业繁荣, 各国移民都很多,非常适合国际学生,每年有很多从纽约芝加哥加州等净流入的居民.