The Catalysis for Energy Conversion (CatEC) Group led by Prof. Kazuhiro Takanabe at The University of Tokyo is a lab focused on novel materials synthesis and kinetic and mechanistic understanding for the various catalytic system for energy conversion. More information on our research program can be found on the Web at https://www.catec.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp .
We invite outstanding Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers to apply for multipleopen positions. Flexibility, ability to work in a team, and excellent communication skills in English are mandatory. Equally important are scientific curiosity and creativity. Successful candidates will work with state-of-the-art instrumentation in a highly collaborative, multidisciplinary environment. Group members will enjoy a high degree of creative freedom. Excellent opportunities for mastering new experimental techniques and for co-authoring high profile research publications will be provided.
Potential applicants should be experts in the field of heterogeneous catalysis, surface science, electrochemistry, photocatalysis, photoelectrochemistry, physics/chemistry in solar cell application, solid state physics and/or reaction mechanisms.
Also desired: a strong background in inorganic synthesis (high temperature inorganic synthesis/ hydrothermal synthesis / nanoparticles), (photo)electrochemistry (RDE/ reaction mechanisms / surface science by AFM/STM), and other characterization techniques.
Please submit:
- A cover letter
- CV in a customary format, including publication list
- Reprints of the three most significant publications
to Prof. Kazuhiro Takanabe by email to takanabe@chemsys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp . After review, he will contact you to schedule for online interview.
- Please email complete applications only. Applications missing the requisite subject line or any of the required documents will not be reviewed
- This is not a medicinal chemistry or total synthesis position
The starting date for the openings will be flexible after April 1, 2013. Review of applications will start immediately and will continue until all the positions are filled.