Description of the Position:
The Steinmetz Lab (steinmetzlab.com) and Center for Nano-ImmunoEngineering (nanoIE.ucsd.edu) at the University of California, San Diego is seeking a talented and motivated post-doctoral researcher to lead projects in nanomedicine with a focus on cancer immunotherapy development. We are developing cancer immunotherapies using plant viruses as nanotechnology platform. We are particularly interested to recruit researchers with a background in nanotechnology, vaccines, immunotherapy, or immunology. Candidates with backgrounds primarily in nanoparticle synthesis or pharmacology are not suited for this position. Background in molecular biology, cloning, immunology (multi-color flow cytometry) and animal work are desired.
The candidate will receive mentoring to prepare him/her for future careers in academia or industry, including project management skills, proposal writing and effective scientific communication. Opportunity will exist to collaborate with industry partners. The candidates will have the opportunity to prepare peer-reviewed manuscripts and attend scientific conferences.
Qualifications Required and Preferred Academic Background:
The ideal candidate should demonstrate creativity, passion for scientific inquiry, and an ability to link fundamental science to real-world applications. The ideal candidate will also have:
a PhD degree in biotechnology, nanotechnology, immunology, biomedical/chemical engineering, or related disciplines. Prior post-doc experience is not desired.
The Steinmetz Lab, nanoIE Center and UC San Diego offer a highly collaborative and interdisciplinary research environment. The candidate will be placed in the Steinmetz Lab and become a member of the nanoIE Center. The candidate will have access to state-of-the art research facilities across campus including the Moore Cancer Center as well as neighboring institutions such as La Jolla Institute for Immunology.
Application Procedure:
Interested applicants should send the following materials to nsteinmetz@ucsd.edu
A cover letter summarizing their research accomplishments and interests
Curriculum vitae