A postdoc position is available in the group of Prof. Mingjie Liu in the Department of Chemistry at the University of Florida, starting August 2022 or later. Areas of interest: high-throughput simulations, machine learning, materials informatics, computational chemistry, and materials science. Candidates with any experience in DFT simulations, using ASE packages and databases are highly desired. Please submit a current CV with publications listed along with references to Prof. Liu (mliu@chem.ufl.edu). The information about the group can be found: liu.chem.ufl.edu
Dr. Liu received her Ph.D. from Rice University with Prof. Boris Yakobson. Before she joins the University of Florida, she did her postdocs at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dr. Liu’s research experience covers computational study from carbon materials, single-atom catalysts, 2D materials, bio-inspired molecular catalysts, and ion-selective membranes. She published over 30 papers in JACS, Science Advance, Angew Chem, ACS Catalysis, ACS Nano, et al. with the citation of over 4000. Her group devotes to developing the next-generation AI-driven materials design platform.
The University of Florida is ranked as the 5th best public school and 28th best university in the United States (US. News 2022). The University of Florida is making artificial intelligence the centerpiece of a major, long-term initiative that is combining world-class research infrastructure, cutting-edge research, and a transformational approach to curriculum. We have the most powerful university-owned supercomputer with NVIDIA GPUs. The University of Florida is located in the beautiful college town-Gainesville, Florida. About two hours’ driving time from Jacksonville or Orlando, three hours from Tampa, and six hours from either Atlanta or Miami.
职位简介:佛罗里达大学化学系刘铭劼教授组里招聘一名博士后,入职时间在2022年八月之后。研究方向:高通量材料模拟,机器学习,材料信息学,计算材料化学。申请者须有博士学位和相关研究经历。课题组介绍: liu.chem.ufl.edu
PI 简介:刘铭劼本科毕业于南开大学物理系,博士毕业于莱斯大学材料系,之后分别在布鲁克海文国检实验室和麻省理工从事博士后研究。博士师从于低维材料纳米力学材料生长泰斗Boris Yakobson,麻省理工博后导师为机器学习助力分子材料设计领军人物Heather Kulik。
学校简介:佛罗里达大学全美公立大学排名第五,综合大学排名28 (2022 US News)。学校科研教学近几年蒸蒸日上,学校大力投入AI相关研究,拥有全美最强大的学校拥有的超级计算机(HiPerGator),计算资源丰富强大,合作机会多,是佛罗里达州最大和最综合的高等院校。位于Gainesville, 环境优美,气候温和,宜人宜居。距离佛州大城市旅游景点和海滩如奥兰多,杰克逊维尔, 车程都在两小时之内。距离坦帕车程3小时,距离迈阿密车程6小时。