A Post-Doc (8/2021)
Universities And Institutes Of Poland
Organisation/Company: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry
Research Field: Chemistry
Researcher Profile: First Stage Researcher (R1) Recognised Researcher (R2)
Application Deadline: 11/11/2021 23:00 – Europe/Athens
Location: Poland › Warsaw
Type Of Contract: Temporary
Job Status: Full-time
Hours Per Week: 36
Project Manager – prof. Karol Grela, Head of Organometallic Synthesis Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw is looking for candidates to work in a scientific project: „Making the Impossible Possible: Macrocyclisation of Unbiased Dienes at High Concentration by Ring-Closing Metathesis”, programme Opus supported by National Science Centre, positions:
Post-Doc (2) – Assistant in a group of research workers, operating in the field of exact and natural sciences.
Before application please read carefully an advertisement attached in “where to apply” section.
Contact Information
Organisation/Company: University of Warsaw, Faculty of Chemistry
Department: Faculty of Chemistry
Organisation Type: Higher Education Institute
Website: https:// www. chem.uw.edu.pl
E-Mail: kl.grela@uw.edu.pl
Country: Poland
City: Warsaw
Postal Code: 02-093
Street: Pasteura 1波兰华沙大学化学博士后职位