克利夫兰医学中心是世界最著名医疗机构之一,机构集合医疗、研究和教育三位一体,提供专业医疗和最新治疗方案的非营利性机构。克利夫兰医学中心始建于1921年2月28日 ,隶属于俄亥俄州一家非营利性公司——克利夫兰临床基金会,并由其经营。被美国以及全世界所公认的顶级医疗中心之一,尤其是在医疗技术和医疗管理系统,以及心血管疾病治疗方面。
Job Description
Postdoctoral fellow positions are available in Dr. Li Lily Wang’s laboratory, in the department of Translational Hematology Oncology Research (THOR), https://www.lerner.ccf.org/thor/wang/ in the Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH.
The Wang laboratory is engaging in cross-disciplinary studies by collaborating with basic and clinical researchers from LRI /CCF and the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center, affiliated with Case Western Reserve University.
Immune-checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapies have revolutionized the field of Cancer Immunotherapy. However, the low response rate in a majority of patients indicates the urgent need to identify and target additional checkpoint regulators.
The Wang laboratory is among the first group to demonstrate that the immune-checkpoint protein “V domain Immunoglobulin Suppressor of T cell Activation” (VISTA) is a promising target for cancer immunotherapy (1 – 6). Current projects are multi-disciplinary and involve elucidating the signaling mechanisms of novel targets in T cells and inflammatory myeloid cells that regulate anti-tumor immunity and inflammatory diseases.
We seek talented and committed candidates with a recent PhD with research training and experience in Biochemistry, Cell Biology, and Immunology to join our team. Interested candidates should submit CV, a statement of research interests in a cover letter, and three references to Dr. Li Lily Wang, wangl9@ccf.org.